MAPAG is focused on the art and science of building amazing fireworks. We do not shoot a lot of purchased Chinese materials, we are not big on consumer fireworks, and we are not really into making boomers or ground bombs -- there is no art in making loud booms, and it really makes our neighbors unhappy. However, if you like to build beautiful shells and rockets, or if you would like to learn how to build these items, then we are the perfect club for you. We also have a number of fireworks training activities and seminars at our events.
Membership in MAPAG is seventy-five dollars per year and entitles you to attend all of the MAPAG club events. MAPAG meets April through October, and events are held at the farm on the last weekend of each month beginning on Thursday and running through Sunday (Sunday is clean up). You can bring a tent, camping trailer, or an RV and dry camp in the field, or you can stay at one of the local hotels. We have potluck meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at every event. The food thing at MAPAG is so popular that some people say we are a food club with fireworks as the entertainment.
To become a member in MAPAG, you will need to complete a membership application that includes a liability waiver, and you will need pay your membership fee. The membership application and the liability waiver can be downloaded here:
Click Here for Membership Application and Liability Waiver
The membership application will open in a separate window. You can pay your membership dues by check and send it in with your application, or you can pay by credit card using PayPal by clicking on the donate button at the bottom of the page. Please make checks payable to "MAPAG".
If you use PayPal, PayPal deducts $2.54 to cover their fee, so we need $77.54 to cover the basic club membership fee of $75.00. However, if you are able, please consider donating more to help us with expenses. PayPal will ask you how much you want to donate when you are prompted by the payment page. To become a member in the club you will need to be voted in by the members at the first event you attend. Be sure to fill out the membership application and mail it in with your signed liability waiver for each member in your family. Thank you.
Click the Donate button below to pay using PayPal.
MAPAG • Mid-Atlantic Pyrotechnic Arts Guild •